Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweet Parker

My sweet, sweet boy. This is the face we love to see. I have never seen a child enjoy musci so much. He is in a trance when we have music playing. Also, he loves "Goodnight Moon". As you can seen, he knocked his tooth out when he fell off the bench at Grandma's house. We had to go to the dentist, where they sedated him, so they could get the rest of the tooth out. We took his blanket and Goodnight Moon to the dentist with us. As he was getting sleepy, we would read the book and he loved it. Then he would fight going to sleep and get up and run around, stumbling along the way because of the medicine. Ever since then, he loves this book. When he is upset or tired and can't calm down, I can say the words from the book and he immediately calms down. Then we found a goodnight moon video at the library which he absolutely loves. He will come up and ask "gnight moon?" And then he runs to the TV. He never does anything slowly. It is always run, run, run, until he crashes in bed.

Monday, August 11, 2008

1st time blog

I started this blog to record all of the wonderful memories that we are creating. I figured maybe this would work better for me than the pen and paper for a while, so here goes. Our family reunion is about to get into full swing. Aaron and Haley are here, and the rest of the family comes tomorrow. It should be fun. Today we are going to Cole's preschool to register and meet his teacher and see his classroom. When did he become old enough? Every time I see a back to school commercial, I get so sad. Part of it is end of summer, the other part is I just don't feel ready. But he is so excited. He has his Batman backpack and his wallet and is ready to go. It will be fun to have some time for me and Parker to have together. Speaking of Parker, he is such a fun child! His latest thing, which isn't really fun for us, it to be completely naked while he sleeps. It doesn't matter what we put on him, he will get it off. He seems very determined to do whatever he wants to do, which should be interesting as he grows up. But these boys are so fun. I just love the ages they are right now. Anyway, more later.